Tuesday 14 August 2012

Diet: the main prey of tiger's in India are deer, buffalo, wild pigs, porcupines and langur monkey. If they have the opportunity they will kill wolves, young rhinoceros,  young elephants and even leopards. As a very large solitary carnivore, tiger  regard all animals it encounters as potential food.http://www.panthera.org/sites/default/themes/panthera/images/stf-mediakit/tiger-farming/tiger_eating_calf.jpg
A tiger is able to kill a full grown adult bull gaur, and yet can be killed by a wild  boar and wild dogs. Rotting flesh and bird are also eaten by tiger and occasionally they supplement their diets with fruit.Like domestic cats, snow tiger's eat grass in order to improve their digestion.  http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00704/whitetigerdeformed1.jpe

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